About the translation work:
I don't know much about Japanese. These translations rely on Google Translate (a mortal sin, I know) to appease my own curiosity of what happened in the books. It goes without saying that there'll be a lot of mistakes, but I hope people enjoy what I'm able to share.
Writing Style:
I could be wrong but it seems like the book changes between first and third person sometimes. It also changes between past and present tense constantly. I try to just stick to third person unless it distinctly calls for it throughout the entire scene, and past tense since it's easier to read. There will be errors, but hopefully it's not too bad.
Official Translations
I've had a couple people mention to me that the series already got an official translation through J-Novel club. I'm aware of these translations, but through my own projects, I began to realize that there were quite a few mistakes in their work. Some were more along the lines of nitpicky on my part, such as Leki barking when it's established that Deep Dragons can't make noise, while others changed how I would've perceived the characters and the sequence of events had I not already been looking at the original material. For example, adding literal paragraphs of Orphen berating, belittling, and dimeaning the other characters, which goes far beyond his original frustration.
When I started this project, it was because I wanted to read the series in its original format, with all of its original lore and character details in tact. I do not feel that the J-Novel Club delivers on this ideal. Many mistakes would've been obvious upon proofreading, and many are found in the final published version from Amazon, not just the pre-pub version. I've continued my project because I still want to know what the original books say, and the official books aren't able to tell me that.
Thoughts On Story Differences
As a rough example of what I mean, scenes are often changed entirely (often in ways that make no sense), the lines and actions of characters are often confused, actions taken by the bad guys are often attributed to the good guys making them seem a lot worse than they already are, and in particular combative natures between characters are dramatized to an extent that I feel changes the characters. This isn't to mention small character-building moments that get cut. If you're curious about what I mean, here are some examples that jumped out at me.
Volume 6 Relevant Errors
Volume 6: Majic being inserted into a scene he specifically said he wasn't going along for (which was plot-relevant because he was staying behind to read the World Book that everyone was after.)
Volume 6: During Tish's fight, saying Hydrant has to tend to his wounds, that there's only one book left to get, and asking if Hydrant will repeat his attitude to Master Childman. In the original text, Tish is the one who's hurt (two fingers chopped off), Suaine is lecturing Hydrant because he only wanted to interrogate her, Hydrant wants revenge for the wounds he got from Orphen years ago, and the Master Suaine is talking about is Whurl Karlen. Childman was never mentioned (because... well, he's dead, even if they don't know that yet.)
Volume 6: Claiming guards blew a hole in the wall to help Majic escape, even though they were right there to defend him? Suaine did this, because he was injured. The English version directly contradicts itself by claiming Majic is then unconscious in the Whurl class. It's Suaine who's laying on the floor. He escaped to return the book to Whurl, but died from his wounds. This erases a character death (with no gore, so not for censorship reasons.)
Volume 6: Orphen is said to be heavily scarred while fighting Hydrant. It's Hydrant who's talking about his scars. This is important as Hydrant's horrendous face scar is a huge motivator for his poor actions.
Volume 6: Claiming Orphen was hit so hard it blew his shoes off, then switching to Cleao's scene mid-paragraph. Originally, there was a clear scene divider (transcribing mistake?) and Cleao was filling her shoes with sand to use as a blugeoning weapon against Vinvi.
Volume 6: In the official, Forte ponders about the damage Orphen did to his surroundings, and makes an amused joke about whether Orphen would forgive him for commenting on it. This erases one of Forte's few character-building moments in the books, where Forte wonders if Orphen realizes how much damage he caused to those around him (the people close to him). He remarks that since Orphen had the guts to show his face at the Tower again, even to Forte specifically, and even if only that once, that he'd forgive him for the pain he brought upon Forte and the others when he abandoned the Tower of Fang five years ago.
Volume 6: Has Orphen wonder if Azalie is hiding the 'real' World Book in her teleport artifact, which directly contradicts a conversaion directly before this (in their own version) where she asks Orphen where the real book is, because she doesn't have it. This replaces a sly scene where Azalie promises to repay a debt, leaving Orphen to wonder if she means a debt to him (for using him) or his debt to her (for refusing to tell her where the real book is.)
These issues are widespread throughout almost every book I've checked. For example, in Volume 5, J-Novel describes Leki being exhausted, meaning that the enemy (Krylancelo) should be even more exhausted. Leki was just fine, however. The original paragraph is discussing how no human can compete with the sorcery of a Deep Dragon, even if that Deep Dragon is a baby like Leki. Later they also assert that Leki's attack disappeared because the Killing Doll absorbed it (and later again, say that Leki absorbed the doll's attack instead.) In the original, Leki cancelled his own attack because even dragons cannot attack and defend at the same time. Leki and Cleao were about to be attacked, and he forfeit his own attack to try to defend Cleao.
In Volume 5 it also claims that Nora (a black cat) took Pat (a little girl) hostage when it was the cat who was taken hostage (by Vulcan and Dortin.) Now I've been on the receiving end of an angry cat's wrath and I'm not saying that it's impossible, but highly improbable that Nora was taking hostages.
This isn't limited to just silly side events or semantics in battle, either. It often includes plot-relevant things, such as asserting that Orphen remained in contact with Leticia over the years (he didn't), that Childman was off hunting the Killing Doll (he was dead), claiming Cleao had started shit with the dragon faith, claiming Leticia had made many enemies, claiming Orphen had someone killed (he didn't), rewriting a line about Childman recognizing Orphen as a successor to be about Leticia, implies Orphen was cut by the Sword of Baldanders, not Azalie, claiming Krylancelo hesitated because of his emotions (he didn't want to drop his weapon, the Sword of Baldanders), and rewriting a killing move to be against Orphen (which would've most certainly left him dead), thus forcing them to attribute the Doll's death to an already-healed wound later. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Why don't you just write in to let them know?
That's a fair ask, but I'll be honest, I don't get a lot of free time to enjoy hobbies anymore and I don't really want to spend it being someone else's unpaid editor. Secondly, I saw some errors, including a couple of the glaring plot-issue ones reported (and ignored) on the official threads. It doesn't seem that they're actually reading the user feedback, so I'm not sure it's worth the massive time sink to categorize every item.
This is truly a shame, because there were also people saying that they were dropping the series because it was simply too nonsensical and confusing to follow. I know Orphen is an extremely niche series, but it's sad to see the series lose what few potential fans it could've had because of these issues.