Majutsushi Orphen: World

The Continent of Kiesalhima

 The bulk of Stray Journey's story takes place on the continent of Kiesalhima. This vast landscape is home to most of the known world's history, including the origin of sorcerers and much of the history of dragons. Throughout the story our crew travels from one end of the continent to the other, encountering obstacles, ruins, friends, and foes. The story will eventually move on to include other locations, but for now, we will focus on the center of Stray Journey.

 * Locations will be linked based on their continent. Some exceptions may apply. There'll be a mix of anime and book media.

Map of Kiesalhima

List of Locations

Cities, Towns, Villages    Ruins and Establishments    Other Locations

  Kinkhall Village
  Solician Village
  Urban Rama
Bagup's Inn
Childman Mansion
Everlasting Home
Fog Falls
Fort Basilicok
McCready Mansion
Phonogolos' Mansion
Ruins of Kohan
Tower of Fang
World Map Tower
Aiden Mountain Range
Andan Park
Fenrir Forest
Plains of Abarad

History of Kiesalhima


 Humans originally settled on Kiesalhima 300 years before the story begins. Though they weren't the dominant species at the time, second to the dragon races, they are the most prevailing of societies, with kingdoms still standing today.

The Dawn of Sorcerers:

 Roughly 200 years ago, humans intermingled with the Wyrd Dragons (Nornir), resulting in the creation of the sorcerer race. Human sorcerers, with their own unique 'Voice' magic became one of the most iconic races on the continent.

Stabilization of Travel:

 It was only about 10 years ago that the construction of highways leading across the continent was completed, providing stable routes for travelers to follow. By establishing an agreement of mutual support between the rangers of Fenrir Forest and the city police, travel also began to become safer. Prior to this, most inns on the side of the road were actually bandit hangouts, and were well known for taking advantage of and robbing wayward travelers. Now, however, genuine inns have begun to take their place, providing safe refuge for these individuals. This, combined with the spread of complete continental maps at affordable prices has greatly improved the frequency of travel and its quality of life.

Assorted Kiesalhima Facts

General Details

 • Early summers on Kiesalhima are noted to be short, though no one knows why.
 • Carrier pigeons are used to communicate between cities.

Laws and Culture

 • Typically only military personnel, sorcerers, or criminals carry weapons during peace times.
 • Additionally, it's highly frowned upon to carry weapons, even swords, inside city limits.
 • Only members of the Royal Army are allowed to own firearms.

The Tower of Fang is a Majutsushi Orphen fan site and claims no ownership. Series © Yoshinobu Akita and Fujimi Shobo.