Dragon Faith
Dragon Faith is a term used to refer to the religion of dragon worship, in which members of the faith consider dragons to be the one true rulers of the continent. They are said to obey all commands from the dragons (even if there are seemingly no dragons left). As a religion it's almost as old as the Kimrak Church.
Alternative Names:
Forest Tribesman
Dragon Worshippers
- History And Regional Traits
Hundreds of years ago, when the Nornir (Wyrd Dragons) waged war against the sorcerers, they gave sorcerous weapons to their human followers. These weapons were used in the war against sorcerers. However, years later, after the Nornir disappeared from the city, the citizens wrongly blamed that disappearance on sorcerers. The citizens of the city continued to hate sorcerers until the present day.
The war later became known as a one-sided sorcerer hunt, instead of a war involving both sides. Today, even while the sorcerer hunts are considered ancient history, in the non-tourist sections of the city, lynching of sorcerers still occurs if they're perceived to commit any wrongdoing (including Stephanie's absolute mutilation after snatching a wallet to get money for food.)
The Great Heart
Dragon Faith also surfaced in The Great Heart, a rural village isolated within Fenrir Forest. Though once a fairly small village of forest tribesman, it grew into a considerable force under the guidance of MacDougall, who turned it into a manufacturing site for early guns. He used his faith to instill aggression in his followers, to the point that they found it appropriate to capture and kill sorcerers in the forest.
In this village, a tall tower was constructed with spires like a church steeple. On top of the roof were statues of black wolves — Deep Dragons, who were worshipped as gods by the villagers.
Taphrem's Dragon Faith
With the World Map Tower, the final artifact made by the Nornir specifically for the human race existing in Taphrem, members of the Dragon Faith have gathered there and even constructed a church. They're characterized by white cape-like hoods, which allow them to participate in activities while keeping their faces hidden. They're known to carry out processions through the city, chanting and beating drums. Many residents of the city has interpreted these chants as curses against the Voice Magic Sorcerers, though Dortin figured it probably didn't actually have any meaning. These processions were implied to stick close to the World Map Tower, with it being unusual for them to be in the further regions of the city.
They were generally tolerated up until the Whurl classroom started making their mmove. Members of the church were targeted by Hydrant, who held a vendetta against the Dragon Faith. A secret gathering of 19 people, who had been gathering in a secretly-renovated abandoned house had been violently beaten to death by the Stabber and his colleagues, none killed in a single blow.
Their people were again slaughtered by the young sorcerer when a group of vengeful Dragon Faith members attacked a carriage transporting Leticia, Orphen, and Majic to the Tower of Fang. They knew their former comrades had been killed by sorcerers, and hoped to take this out on them. Hydrant intercepted this attack. Though the group traveled on with knowledge of only a single death, it was later revealed that an official report claimed every member of the group, all 23 had been killed in the conflict. This report then passed the blame off on Leticia, claiming that it had been necessary self defense, so that the matter could be rugswept.
- Traits
The Dragon Faith is seen in various places throughout the continent. While some locations have a strong dedication to the original Dragon races ingrained in their citizens, such as in the city of Alenhatam, others have dedicated Dragon Faith churches, such as in the city of Taphrem.
One common theme among the Dragon Faith is a distinct hatred of sorcerers. This can even go so far as to condone the capture and murder of them, attempts of which transpired in The Great Heart, a village within Fenrir Forest, which worshipped the Deep Dragons of Fenrir. The exact reason for this hatred still existing all these years later is unknown. Some believe that Dragon Faith blame sorcerers for the disappearance of dragons (such as the Wyrd Dragons' disappearance from Alenhatam) while others believe that they simply carry out the will of their masters (Dragons). It is also generally considered that the Dragon Faith finds the existence of sorcery itself to be offensive.
As mentioned, the Dragon Faith believes that the dragons are the true rulers of the continent. In spite of this, many members of the faith have never had any sort of contact with the dragons, and rituals seem to be fairly generic. Those in Taphrem were said to construct alters during "Sanctuary Gatherings", decorated with commercially available candles or lumps of chicken.
Assorted Facts
• Milan "Hydrant" Tram's parents were claimed to have been killed by the Dragon Faith.