Mist Dragons

 The Mist Dragons are one of six species that stole magic from the gods, and later became non-human sorcerers. These dragons varied widely in appearance between different media, but are generally considered to have a large shell on their back with the core appearance being a mix of a tortoise and rhinoceros.

Appearance: Rhinoceros
Habitat: Kiesalhima (Universal)
Sorcery: Atmospheric Magic
Magic Medium: Odor
Founding Sorcerer: Puff
Curse: Unknown


Atmospheric Magic

 Mist Dragon sorcery can manifest anywhere that their odor can reach, and allows them to freely control the weather within that space. While that doesn't sound so bad on a destructive scale, especially compared to the damage caused by other dragons, it has a radius of several kilometers and can involve violent raging lightning storms.


 Although the specifics of the Mist Dragon's curse are not fully understood, it was believed that they once had an advanced social structure, operating in large groups. However, now they roam alone, causing insane damage to everything around them.

Physical Attributes

 While Mist Dragons aren't thought to be the most destructive in terms of sorcery, they have physical attributes that more than make up for this. The first of which is near-invulnerability. It's said that they can survive in any environment in the world. Their hard shells and thick skin provide excellent physical protection. They're almost immune to sorcery due to the liquid that covers their body, which is so heat resistant that it's rumored they wouldn't panic even if dropped into lava.

 They're also recognized for the tower that stands on top of their shell. This tower is able to rotate, and if spun at high speeds, it can generate a lightning bolt called "God's Hammer".

 As a final measure of defense, Mist Dragons can eat rocks and convert them into bullets inside of their body, which then act as ammunition for the barrels at the base of its tower. These barrels can rapid fire like a machinegun, making Mist Dragons a common menace when temperamental.

The Tower of Fang is a Majutsushi Orphen fan site and claims no ownership. Series © Yoshinobu Akita and Fujimi Shobo.