Red Dragons
The Red Dragons are one of six species that stole magic from the gods, and later became non-human sorcerers. These dragons resembled bears with crimson fur and green eyes.
Habitat: Fenrir Forest?
Sorcery: Transmogriphication Magic
Magic Medium: Their own body
Founding Sorcerer: Galiani
Curse: Unknown

Transmogrification Magic
Also referred to as Lycanthropy in the official English version of the books, this sorcery uses the Red Dragon's own body as a medium. They can transform themselves into any number of living creature. This seems to include mimicking inanimate objects in association with their intended form as well, such as clothes on humans.
Physical Attributes
Red Dragons are known to be extremely intelligent, with keen knowledge of natural systems. They sport overwhelming agility and strength, able to outspeed and outclass any human or even sorcerer fighter. This has earned them the title of the ultimate assassins.