- Majutsushi Orphen: Manga Volume 1
The first of six volumes! This series was drawn by Hajime Sawada, based on Yoshinobu Akita's popular book series, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. The first volume starts off on a similar note to the books, but quickly takes some drastic turns to return to a similar conflict: The appearance of Azalea!
The sorcerer Orphen is one a magic-for-hire mission, and along with his wand-wielding understudy and bone-headed companion, he must retrieve a magical ring from the mansion of a beautiful young woman. This should be no sweat for the seasoned sorcerer, but a sweet-tempered maid with an interest in the black arts will complicate any already sticky situation. Orphen has his spellbinding hands full, and no disappearing act will get him out of this!
Volume One:
- Chapter 1: Strong But Sadistic
- Chapter 2: Destitute But Resourceful (Part 1)
- Chapter 3: Destitute But Resourceful (Part 2)
- Chapter 4: The Demon Witch
- Chapter 5: The Sword of Baltanders