- Majutsushi Orphen: Manga Volume 5

    The fifth of six volumes! This series was drawn by Hajime Sawada, based on Yoshinobu Akita's popular book series, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen. The fifth volume brings Orphen back to his roots, to the Tower of Fang, where he reunits with his long lost friend, Leticia. A woman who hails from the same orphanage that Orphen and Azalea came from. She's confused and desperate to keep him at home, terrified that his journey will lead him to his death.


    Love will tear him apart again.

    There's magic in the air when Orphen is reunited with Leticia, a beautiful and gifted sorceress from his past. But hot on her tail come enemies aplenty, and Orphen will have to stay on his toes to deal with fiendish assassins and mysterious sorcerers alike. As if that weren't enough, yet another opponent lurks in the shadows - an old and familiar foe waiting for the right moment to strike...

Volume Five:

    - Chapter 25: The Rustling of Black Clothes
    - Chapter 26: A Fierce Attack
    - Chapter 27: Older Sister, Younger Brother
    - Chapter 28: Bitter Enemy
    - Chapter 29: The World Chronicles
    - Chapter 30: The Strongest Man

The Tower of Fang is a Majutsushi Orphen fan site and claims no ownership. Series © Yoshinobu Akita and Fujimi Shobo.