Aristocratic Federation
The Aristocratic Federation is a collection of aristocrats who oversee much of the continent, being somewhat synonymous with the Royal Family of Mebrenst during the earlier parts of the story. It oversees much of the jurisdiction of sacred sites including all of Fenrir Forest, and while the Royal Family is generally considered 'in charge' the aristocracy makes many of the rulings.
Promotion of the Kimrak Church:
During the rise of Kingdom of Mebrenst, the aristocracy began to see the prevailing Dragon Faith as problematic. They considered the dragons to be the true rulers of the continent, which was an issue with how widespread the faith was. The aristocracy, however, wanted to not only be the primary rulers of the continent, but to also gain ownership of all ruins and artifacts left behind. After the Nornir disappeared, the dragon faith continued to insist on their existence. One of the ways that the aristocracy fought against this was to join with the Kimrak Church, who believed in the Three Fates. They later proclaimed that they were the successors of the Nornir, and just as they'd planned, claimed ownership of their ruins and artifacts.
Assorted Facts
• The Aristocratic Federation seized the army of Kimrak at some point. • The police dispatch, which operates on a continental scale, works under the aristocracy. • Raiding ruins and stealing artifacts is considered "Treason Against The Crown", and has severe penalties.