Kamisunda Theater

A mysterious ruin built by the Nornir. Supposedly destroyed decades ago, this theater is oddly still standing, and was discovered by a band of tomb raiders determined to uncover its secrets.
Basic Details
The Kamisunda Theater looks like a small temple with a spired tower on the top. The front doors are huge, double-sided doors that swing open, weighing a considerable amount. The entire structure is made out of wood.
The lobby, spanning 20 meters in both directions and 14 ~ 15 meters deep, has a red carpet that's heavily worn out and covered in the paw prints of the dogs. The right side of the lobby has a counter, like a reception desk. There's no doors or hallways leading from the lobby. It only has a large staircase leading up to the second floor. At the top of the landing is another double-sided door leading deeper into the building.
The Swedenboli Angel and The Swedenboli Demon
The Kamisunda Theater is home to two controversial statues, featuring Swedenboli's Angel and Swedenboli's Demon. At the time of the theater's construction, the worship of Swedenboli was controversial due to his opposition to other gods. However, this fit the needs of the aristocracy, which had come to see the dragon faith as problematic. So, they endorsed these statues by giving them a plaque baring the royal seal. This put Kimrak in an awkward position, because they could no longer oppose the theater itself if it had the aristocracy's approval.
The two statues are stationed at the landing of the staircase. The Angel is a woman who has wings sprouting from her upper arms. The Devil is doing a hand stand, and he has the head of a bull. Because these figures, based on Swedenboli's servants are so despised by the Kimrak Church, the theater is famous as being the only place on the continent that has statues of them.
Past the landing is a hall, with several wooden pillars. The floor has been worn smooth by countless shoes. White benches are scattered around, showing that the space was once used as a waiting room. At the back of this space is a large double door with a staircase leading back down, with quality handrails implying a considerable expense.
The auditorium itself is filled with rather hard-looking seats. The space includes raised seating areas for distinguished guests, supposedly reached through a door at the back of the room. A stage is located at the front of the room, with all seats on the sloping rows facing inwards towards the stage. The stage itself is three meters off the floor, with a space between it and the seats for an orchestra.
The auditorium is implied to have a trap door that drops intruders into an under-floor pit, roughly 10 meters deep. This pit then fills with water to drown their intruders, however, it's calibrated to kill humans, so the pit drains relatively quickly after it floods. Water is pumped in from a grate at the top of the pit, and the floor snaps back into place to prevent people from simply floating up with the water level.
Even though the Kamisunda Theater was ordered to be demolished, the theater still stands today. This is assumed to be a result of Wyrd Graphs, which the Nornir are thought to have placed in the building to protect it over time. This would also explain why a building made of wood has remained for 200 years without any maintenance. These graphs seem to protect it even from sorcery.
Countless 'dogs' reside in the theater. Their exact nature is poorly understood, but these beasts, about a meter tall. They're described as being somewhat reptilian, or even amphibian like creatures, but with the key characteristics of dogs with bat wings and short tails. Though, the art draws them with beaked faces. Their large red eyes bulge out of their head, giving them quite a strange appearance. Though they're obviously not creatures of nature, they do seem to be alive in some capacity, with bodies full of blood and even able to devour targets. As they were artificially created by the Nornir, these dogs lack a lot of basic reasoning abilities. For example, figuring out how to maneuver complex terrain, and seemingly choosing between running, flying, and attacking at random.
Underground Entrance - Sorting Corridor
A pit from the above floor leads 25 meters down, opening into a passageway shaped like a dome (that is, the walls and ceiling are rounded and the floor is flat.) The passageway is about 3 meters tall. Above it, an old copper plate reads 'Kamisunda Underground Theater - Sorting Corridor.' This corridor goes on endlessly, never changing in any form. It is here that people are sorted into those who are worthy, and those who are not.
Underground Theater
Where the true play of 'The Demon King' is performed. Normally individuals would reach the end of the Sorting Corridor and enter through the 3-meter-wide entrance. The hall itself is almost identical to the first, with two floors of seats. At the center of the stage is a large throne, where a Celestial Doll plays the role of Swedenboli.
Underground Manufacturing Room
Where dolls are repaired, and various artifacts are throne about in completely haphazard fashion. The room itself is about 4 or 5 meters wide with a shaft in the ceiling leading up to the next floor. There's an operating table where those to be used for repair are laid out. That is, humans intended for sacrifice. The floor is so burried in artifacts, tools, and other bizzare items that it's barely possible to walk through it.
Canal Room
When people fall into water traps, such as those seen on the top floor auditorium, they'd normally drown. The water (and remains) are then flushed through a tunnel system into a room with tiered water channels. The top tier, where the water drains is about a meter off the ground. Half way across the room it pours into a large basin, the second tier, and from there flows to an exit tunnel. The room has no entrances or exits, only tight tunnels for directing the water, and due to the humidity, the room is blackened with mold.
The Kamisunda Theater was built 200 years ago by the Nornir, and was renowned for its famous play, "The Demon King." The king at the time had been invited to view the play, but for some reason, was extremely displeased with what he witnessed. He ordered the execution of everyone involved with the theater, and that the theater itself be destroyed. It's thought that it remained abandoned for 200 years, though its been theorized that people may have stumbled upon it over the years. It's also possible that it was never destroyed in the first place, and that sorcerers only marked it as such so that they could continue to keep it under their control.
Investigations by the Kimrak Church
While the church was tasked with destroying the Kamisunda Theater they actually kept it standing, and in secret, they sent countless investigation units to the theater to try to figure out its true purpose. However, none succeeded, and in fact, many people were killed over the years. As it turned out, the theater would only reveal its secrets to a sorcerer, leaving Kimrak with no hope of discovering its secrets on their own.
When Orphen came to the Kamisunda Theater it was in the process of trying to save Mädchen and the rest of her group. While Cleao and Mädchen were kidnapped to be used to repair the damaged dolls, Majic was held hostage. The Demon King, a Celestial Doll told Orphen the purpose of the theater, to some extent, but deemed that he was unworthy of learning its true meaning as he had brought humans to the theater, and none worthy would have done so. While he was to have Orphen executed, he and the others managed to escape, leaving the theater in near ruin.
The True Play Of "The Demon King"
When Orphen thought for one moment that he might have the upper hand, the Demon King, nonplussed, showed him a brief glimpse into the true play of The Demon King. What he witnessed in this vision was a woman, the Goddess of Fate, speaking to Swedenboli. They discussed what to do about the problems that the dragons had brought to the continent, and about the birth of the gods. In the end, Fate resolved to use the various monsters to hunt them down, all of them. She asked for the help of Swedenboli's angel and demon, but he insisted that not only were they too powerful even for him to command, but that they would refuse, and even if they didn't, they would bring about the end of the world. Displeased by the results, Fate left, though Swedenboli swore he would kill her eventually, as destroying all other gods was all that he could do to resolve the problem.
After the play had been initiated, Orphen and his friends were sent outside the theater. By the time they'd awoken, the theater was gone, nowhere to be seen. However, it's apparent that the building still exists, somewhere, as the celestial dolls still continue to debate how long they must wait for a truly worthy visitor to appear...