Name: Fredin (フレッディン)
Gender: Male
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Race: Human
Blood Type: ?
Constellation: ?
Hometown: ?
Also Known As: ?
Specialties: ?
Hobbies: ?
First Featured: Stray Journey: "Demon King, Tell Them My Dying Wish"
Related Characters:
Mädchen (Boss)
Fredin was one of the bandit gang members who came to the Kamisunda Theater hoping to get some loot from the ancient ruin.
The Kamisunda Theater:
Fredin joined Mädchen and several others in an endeavor to rob the remains of the Kamisunda Theater, after they'd bought intel on the ruin from town. When they arrived, however, the group was attacked by strange winged dolls, and once inside, a Celestial Doll. Though they fought against the ruin's guardians, Fredin was burned horribly by its fire spells.
At this point, when Orphen and the group tried to intervene, the doll shoved his boss away and kidnapped Fredin. Mädchen took chase, and though well meaning, it's possible that she sealed Fredin's fate in doing so. Orphen may have been able to save him had she not been in the way. However, once cornered, and after Mädchen had wounded the doll with her sword, it used one of its Wyrd Graphs to transfer the injury from its own body to Fredin, more or less having Mädchen's attack impale her own ally.
After teleporting away the doll left Fredin's body to fall from the ceiling, smashing it into the floor where a trap door opened up, and the body fell through. His corpse was crushed by the impact of falling to the lower floor, a trap intended to draw Mädchen down a pit, which she fell for.